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If you’re experiencing issues and you don’t know what the problem is exactly this troubleshooting page is for you. Provide us with the details of the malfunction or what you consider to be a problem with your sauna.

In order to help us troubleshoot the problem with your sauna please provide the following details:
  • Make and model of the sauna in question
  • Describe the problem providing extensive detail. What stopped working and when, what kind of action preceded the appearance of the issue.
  • If the problem made the sauna change in they way it operates such as excess noise, or trembling or any other noticeable part malfunctioning, please include that.
  • If you know what parti in particular stopped working or is working incorrectly, tell us.
  • In addition, please add a picture if you can.

We hope to be of help and we’re looking forward to fixing your sauna.
The fast rhythm and big load of various stresses in our modern lives lead to long-term stresses and depression which in most cases are the reason for primary visits to any physician. This is applicable to any hard-working man or woman, and the only way to avoid such health hazard is to have a regular stress-relieving and relaxing time. This can be easily achieved by purchasing an Infrared Sauna Un...
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